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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Extra protein

WOD: AMRAP 15 minutes

2 hspu
6 burpees
10 pullups

I feel amazingly strong today! Could be the extra protein!?!

8 rounds plus 6 burpees

Breakfast: eggs, banana

Lunch: chicken breast, grapes, almond butter

Extra snack: small piece of grilled fish left over from last night

Dinner: chicken, salsa, guac

Sweet tooth: tea with honey

I've been "toying" (no pun intended) with the idea of vexing certified to teach Crossfit Kids. After all, it is two of my favorite things and crossfit. We'll see how I feel after I look at the requirements. I think it'd be an awesome cert to start my list off with, even if I don't get to teach Crossfit Kids right away. Who day I could open a gym strictly for Crossfit kids. A girl can dream can't she???

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