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Monday, March 22, 2010

5 is the new 6

As my friend Pink said "5 is the new 6" when Diane and I told her that we would be taking over the 5PM classes.

WOD: "WBS/DU Ladder"
10 minute running clock.
Start with 10 WBS + 10 DU's.
Add 10 reps each round.

I got 146. I was hoping to make it through round 4, but the wall balls KILLED me like the always do. I do have to say they felt a lot better than they have in the past though. I feel good about my progress with the wall balls.

Breakfast: eggs, strawberries, almond butter

Lunch: meatball, squash, pistachios

Snack: 1/4 of Rob's Larabar

Dinner: meatball, squash, cauliflower


  1. thank you for the power talk. i so needed that. you made me smile. :)

  2. does not surprise me that you feel stronger on the WBS :) nice work for keeping it Rxd, too.

    thank you so much for your words- I am the worst at actually heeding the advice/words I roll out to others! YOU made me smile today :):)
